2 Design OvervIEW for CRCN

2.1 System Requirements

This simulator is based on NS-2 (version 2.31). All codes have been tested in ns-2.31 under Linux environment. To use the GUI provided by this simulator, it is required that your system is installed with java runtime environment (JRE) 6 or above. Also, gnuplot should be installed under Fedora. The GUI is tested under Fedora 4.


2.2 Design Overview

To support simulation in CR wireless network, several new frameworks and functions are added in NS-2 for the functionality provided in section 2.  These frameworks and functions are summarized as follows.


·        Design Overview for CR Routing


·        Design Overview for CR MAC/PHY


·        Interaction between the core of CRCN simulator and GUI



Previous: Functionality Overview   2       Next: Design Overview for CR Routing

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